

Marriage requires focus in two important areas: organization and intimacy. Oftentimes leaders will work in their lives, but not on their lives. This is a mistake, especially when you’re married to someone who isn’t wired the same way you are. It can lead to working differently from one another. You’ve got a day off, but your significant other has already planned something without you. There’s a better way: learn to have a sync meeting.





Are you meeting and organizing important aspects of your life with your spouse?


In what ways can you, your spouse, and your family grow in relationship with one another and in serving one another?


What can you and your spouse say “No” to?





Many times leaders and their families will work in their lives, but not on them. #e412 http://jesus.to/lDkM1c


Don’t let differences come between you and your spouse, use those to grow together and complement each other. #e412


Don’t miss out on your family’s life, learn to organize. #e412 http://jesus.to/lDkM1c


Meet with your spouse. Be one. Do life together. Become a Kingdom oriented couple glorifying God. #e412

Marriage requires focus in two important areas: organization and intimacy. Oftentimes leaders will work in their lives, but not on their lives. This is a mistake, especially when you’re married to someone who isn’t wired the same way you are. It can lead to working differently from one another. You’ve got a day off, but your significant other has already planned something without you. There’s a better way: learn to have a sync meeting.
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