31 Jul God’s Grace is Like an Unlimited Car Wash
Galatians 6:1 – Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.
God’s grace is a bit like a car wash. It is monsoon season in the desert where we live. When the monsoons roll in, they include a downpour of rain and large dust storms. When the monsoons hit, your car gets covered in muddy dust day after day.
So, what is quite popular around the valley, especially with my wife, are the unlimited car washes. For one monthly fee, you can take as many trips through the car wash as you like. I’m certain that there are three kinds of people at our car wash:
1) People who paid the fee but never use the car wash
2) People who paid the fee and use the car wash whenever they need it
3) People who paid the fee and abuse their privileges using the car wash when they don’t need it
In life, we all have monsoon seasons and find ourselves covered in the muddy mess of sin. We always need Jesus’ grace, but especially when we have been spinning our tires in the mud.
God’s grace for dirty sinners is a bit like our car wash. Jesus paid the price for our access to unlimited grace which cleans us up. Sadly, some people keep wearing their sin and shame rather than getting cleaned up. Others abuse God’s grace by sinning over and over without much concern because they know God’s grace will cover it. But, since this grace was purchased by Jesus for us, we should use it, but not abuse it, out of love for Him and longing to become like Him.
Which of the three categories most typifies your life in this season?