God is Pro-Life. How About You?

Abort Abortion

In Abort Abortion, Pastor Mark uses science and law, as well as Scripture, to show how life begins at conception, abortion is murder, and the overturn of Roe v Wade is one of the best things to happen to our culture and for future generations. The hope, prayer, and goal of this book is that it’s educational and encouraging for people who find themselves on both sides of the issue – for those who have previously had an abortion or been an advocate of abortion, as well as for those who want further reason to continue in their pro-life convictions.

*Donations up to $5,000 will be matched by RealFaith to Choices Pregnancy Centers, an Arizona non-profit who has been serving young women, men, and babies since 1983. 

Para Aborta El Aborto, haga clic aquí.

“When it comes to abortion, it is far more important to be on the right side of eternity than the right side of history.”

– Pastor Mark

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Roe V. Wade Overturned | Real Women 

As a pastor’s wife, I have listened to and cried with many women as they were grieving and going through the healing process after having an abortion. Today is a historic day in protecting pre-born children as well as pregnant women from harming their bodies! With Roe being overturned by the Supreme Court, we pray that women will make the choice to protect both their body that God created and the body of the baby that God knit together in her womb…Read the full blog here. 

What Christians Believe About Abortion

“What is your first reaction when you hear someone talk about Christianity?” Included in the discussion that followed was the curious assumption by everyone in the focus group that abortion was a morally good thing and not really up for debate. Their conclusion coincided with the national research study in which half of our survey participants (50%) agreed that “the Christian religion and I have different views on social issues like abortion….”Read the full blog here.