Can a Christian Get a Tattoo?

Can a Christian Get a Tattoo?

You asked, Pastor Mark answered. Over the last several months, we’ve been answering the questions sent in from our readers of the Weekly Newsletter. These questions include:

In this week’s update, Pastor Mark addresses the topic of Christians and tattoos? About 20% of people have tattoos – what happens if I had a tattoo before becoming a Christian? Is that OK? What does the Bible have to say about tattoos?

Check out the video, and send in your questions to [email protected]. Or if you have friends who have questions, encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter and send in their questions.

TTC1 John Bible Study with The Trinity Church – If you’re in the Phoenix area, join The Trinity Church as they have their weekly Bible Study. The Bible Study is every Sunday at 9:30. We’re working hard to get the building ready for services and kids ministry, and you’re welcome to join us for Work Parties to get the church building ready every Saturday. Thanks to those who have stopped by to help even as you’ve been driving through town on vacation! Find out more about being a part of the Launch Team.

This Week at
  • Pastor Mark’s Recommended Reading is Released – Ever had a tough question, and wondered what book Pastor Mark would recommend to help? Check out the website for Pastor Mark’s recommended reading list, a topical assortment of hundreds of books that will help you in your walk with Jesus.
  • 12 Simple Ways to Get More Out of Going to Church – Sometimes going to church just feels stale, or useless. Am I really growing? Are others really growing? Check out some simple thoughts from Pastor Mark on how you can get more out of going to church each week.
  • Are You An Apostate? – Apostasy is simply a big word for professing faith but not practicing it. The problem of apostasy isn’t new. How can you guard your heart from apostasy?
  • Luke is Coming! – After the remainder of the 1st Corinthians series, we’ll be sharing the 100-sermon series of Luke. Stay tuned for more coming later this Spring.
  • Exclusive Daily Devotion on YouVersion – Pastor Mark is now partnering with YouVersion to release a 21-Day Devotional called pray like Jesus. Get started today!
  • FAQ – Check out the FAQ page on to learn more about Mark Driscoll Ministries, what we believe, and where we’re headed.
  • Support – Thanks for your continued generous support. If you’d like to continue to support Mark Driscoll Ministries, you can give here.

1 Corinthians: Good News for Bad Christians“1 Corinthians: Good News for Bad Christians,” a 33 part series from Pastor Mark, is back online! Check out the sermon archive or subscribe to the podcast to hear Pastor Mark teach on what the Apostle Paul had to say to the church in Corinth. Here are a few of the recent sermons:


Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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