What is the unforgivable sin?

What is the unforgivable sin?

One of the reader’s of Mark Driscoll Ministries, David, writes in with this week’s question: “What is the unforgivable sin?” Is there an unforgivable or unpardonable sin? Is it possible to want to have forgiveness, but be beyond hope? Pastor Mark explores this issue, along with providing updates about upcoming content, in this week’s video.

Also, thanks to everyone who prayed for, supported, and joined us for the live-stream of the launch of The Trinity Church, including the start of the new series “Jonah: A Fishy Tale About A Faithful God.”

You can join us each Sunday for the live-stream of the service at 9:00a or 10:45a, or in-person if you’re in the Scottsdale area. The entire 4-week series will be made available, for free, after the conclusion of the series. You’ll find it released through Mark Driscoll Ministries.

Now Available: New Sermons from Pastor Mark

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a Bible study series to the core launch team entitled “1 John: The Father Heart of God.” Recorded in black and white as the church plant was in its infancy, this intimate 13-week Bible study is now available for free. You can sign up for the new series here.

Along with the teaching series, we’re releasing the resources below at markdriscoll.wpengine.com to those who sign up for our special new “Leaders List”:

  • 1 John Study Guide – As a companion guide to Pastor Mark’s sermon series, we’ve compiled a 22,000 word study guide with notes, study questions, and group materials.
  • 1 John Research Brief – Many of the partners of Mark Driscoll Ministries are pastors and leaders in need of more in depth teaching resources. To that end, we’ve prepared a 240,000 word research brief through the book of 1 John.

Stay tuned and follow the Mark Driscoll Ministries newsletter to find out when more content will be released.

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Are you a Christian pastor or leader? Pastor Mark wants to join your team and be your research intern!

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Thanks for Your Support!

Thanks to those who have given to support Mark Driscoll Ministries, through time, prayer, and financial gifts.

To those who have been giving gifts to support Mark Driscoll Ministries, thank you! Your gift allows us to give away free weekly teaching – including newsletters, daily devotionals, sermons, and eBooks – all to tell as many people as possible about Jesus.

If you’d like to make a gift of any amount, just click the link below to visit our Support page.

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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