Your free resource: ‘The Beginning of Life’ Research Brief

It’s a question at the heart of some of our deepest spiritual, political, and social debates: when does a person become a person? When does a human life begin?

As a leader in the church, you’ll face this question more than most. So it pays to be prepared.

Pastor Mark and his research team have prepared a brief to give you insights and help you understand different perspectives on this issue with a copy of ‘The Beginning of Life’ research brief.

This resource gives you all you need to…

  • Gain a better understanding of the scientific and medical definitions of life
  • Engage with the most common philosophical and moral arguments
  • Build a more robust theological understanding of God’s view on life

We pray this free resource deepens your understanding of when life begins – and helps you lead confidently on this all-important issue

Download my free research brief >>

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