16 Jul 7 Lessons About Legalism
Posted at 05:00h
Galatians 5:1 – For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
- Legalism is what happens when people try and do the job of the Holy Spirit. This explains why legalists seek to control people.
- Legalism is godless because it replaces a personal God with impersonal rules and demands. This explains why legalists don’t want you to seek the Lord’s will, but instead just do what they demand.
- Legalism puts law-based people in authority, especially in churches and ministries. This explains why legalists make rules that God did not make, and pressure people to obey or face punishment.
- Legalism does addition, not subtraction. This explains why legalists keep making new rules, and more rules about the old rules.
- Legalism seeks to prevent people from needing grace. This explains why legalists seek to keep people from doing anything they think is incorrect because they disdain the need for grace.
- Legalism makes neutral things necessary. This explains why legalists move neutral issues (e.g. circumcision, baptism, Bible translation, speaking in tongues, etc.) and enforce them as things necessary to be right with God.
- Legalism prevents maturity. This explains why legalists act like controlling parents who do not let others make decisions, learn through trial and error, and live in grace.
Is there anyone you are legalistic with? Is there anyone who is legalistic with you?