8 Lessons from Nehemiah 7

8 Lessons from Nehemiah 7

Nehemiah 7:5 – Then my God put it into my heart to assemble the nobles and the officials and the people to be enrolled by genealogy.

In this chapter we learn many principles about God and people including the following:

  1. God made people and saves people because, in His mercy, He cares for us.
  2. God knows us by name and keeps record of His people (see also Jesus’ words in Luke 10:20).
  3. God cares for His people through leaders and systems.
  4. God appoints all His people to serve the well-being of their church and city in some way.
  5. It is good for a church/ministry to seek to grow by welcoming and serving more people.
  6. A growing organization must mature and change to remain healthy and effective.
  7. God being worshipped by His people in all things is the reason we were created and source of our joy.
  8. God being worshipped includes our generously contributing to the funding of ministry.

Because this group of people worked together and was unified, they saw supernatural results. As we read in the last chapter (6:15), the wall was finished in a remarkable 52 days after laying in ruins for 141 years. Unified believers are far more effective than unified unbelievers and the most powerful are unified, anointed believers.

People found their place on the team, worked hard, and, in return, they got to see incredible ministry done because of it. Ultimately, the city and church were restored to prepare for the coming of Jesus to start the New Testament because it’s all about Jesus!

How is God asking you to serve? What is God asking you to give?

To help you study the book of Nehemiah with us, check out the third free e-book study guide here.

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Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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