A Closing Prayer

A Closing Prayer

Galatians 6:10 – So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

As a Bible teaching pastor, it means the world to me that you would give me the honor of helping you study these great themes of the Bible, around which sometimes there is great confusion. I genuinely pray that you have a better idea of divine design, and that God leads you to a place where you can use your gifts for God’s glory, others’ good, and your joy.

Lastly, I pray that as you studied these great themes of spiritual gifts, two things would happen. One, I pray that your concept of God got bigger. He is more profound and powerful, more creative and considerate, and more free and faithful than we could ever hope or imagine. When Jesus told Nicodemus that the work of God was like a powerful wind, what He meant was that the work of the Spirit is powerful, unpredictable, and uncontrollable but altogether wonderful. Two, I pray that as we studied together that you would not only come to a better, deeper, and richer understanding of who God is, and who you are, but also how others are. If you are married, parenting a child, or serving in a ministry then you are interacting with precious people who are very different than you.

The differences between your divine design and theirs should not be a point of contention, but cooperation. God made you differently because you are better together and by appreciating one another, encouraging one another, and serving one another, the Kingdom of God will be strengthened, and your relationship will be deepened!

Lastly, if you’d like to share what you’ve learned with us, what ministry God is leading you do, or how we can pray for you, please email us at [email protected]. At legacy.realfaith.com, you can find the free sermon series that corresponds with these daily devos along with a growing mountain of free Bible teaching made possible by our generous ministry partners. We’d love to serve you, pray for you, and hear from you!

What have you learned during this series about spiritual gifts? Have you determined what your spiritual gifts are? Use these to plug into your local church, if you haven’t already, to serve.  

To find the 100+ page study guide and sermon series that accompanies this devotional series, or to find a free mountain of Bible teaching, visit legacy.realfaith.com or download the Real Faith app.

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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