Four Biblical Laws That Change Your Life

Four Biblical Laws That Change Your Life

What changes do you want to make in your life this year? The new year is the time when people want to make major life changes, but those changes seldom stick. Why? Because there are four biblical laws that, if understood and applied, help you change your life. These are:

  1. The Law of Seasons
  2. The Law of Planning
  3. The Law of Wise Counsel
  4. The Law of Knowing God’s Will

In the Law of Seasons we learn that life has various seasons. It helps to understand that God ordains the seasons so we can live in light of them. Ecclesiastes 3:1 explains this by saying, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”

As you consider the seasons of life, also consider which stage of life you are in:

  1. Baby
  2. Child
  3. Young Adult
  4. Working Adult
  5. Married
  6. Parent
  7. Empty Nester
  8. Caretaker
  9. Grandparent
  10. Retiree
  11. Widowed
  12. Dying

In the Law of Planning we are working in the sentiment of Psalm 20:4, which says, “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” The Bible, especially in the words of Jesus and books like Proverbs, have a lot to say about the importance of having a plan for the current and next season of your life. Do you have a plan for yourself, your family, your business, and your ministry? The key to having a good plan is wise counsel.

In the Law of Wise Counsel you are applying the principle of Proverbs 9:9, which says, “Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.” None of us are innately wise. We all make foolish decisions and need wise people to help us grow in wisdom. Whether this is improving our health, paying off our debts, mending our relationships, or growing spiritually, we all need people who are wise that we invite in to help us map out a plan for our future. In general, wisdom comes from the following places:

  1. Scripture
  2. Prayer
  3. Experience
  4. Wise Counsel

In the Law of Knowing God’s Will, you are learning to not simply ask God to bless your plan, but instead earnestly seeking God’s will for your life so that you can plan accordingly to live obediently. In the next four days of this devotional series, we will explore these themes in greater detail.

At there is a special four-part series this month called Four Biblical Laws That Change Your Life, available for a gift of any amount. This brand-new content is a series of lectures and accompanying homework by Pastor Mark Driscoll to help you make this a godly and great year, by God’s grace.

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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