Objection #4: If God works it all out, he should not be angry with me

Objection #4: If God works it all out, he should not be angry with me

Romans 3:7-8 – But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just. 

I know a pastor who is a good Bible teacher and lovingly devout husband and father. He has never met or known his biological dad who walked out when his mom was pregnant. Seeking to learn anything about the man who brought him into this world, the pastor sought out his biological father. When they sat down, the son gave an overview of his life and asked how the father felt hearing who his son had become. In a curious twist, the father said it was a good thing he slept with the mother because that act brought such a fine man into the world. Ignoring all of his failures, the father took credit for the son’s successes.

In answering the fourth and final common objection to Christianity, Paul is dealing with the popular argument that the ends justify the means. God is famous for taking the bad things we do and using them for good. Joseph said this very thing in Genesis 50:20 to his brothers who had betrayed, abandoned, and sought to destroy him: “you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…” The most extreme example of this principle is God using the most evil act, the murder of Jesus Christ, for the greatest good in history.

God is gracious, generous, and creative. Just because He takes something bad and redeems it for good does not make what we did good. Furthermore, if we do bad and take credit for God’s good, it only amplifies how bad we are.

How have you seen God turn bad to good in your own life? 

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Mark Driscoll
[email protected]