We All Worship Someone or Something

We All Worship Someone or Something

Romans 12:1 – I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

One of the myths about worship is that it’s something for Christians. It’s not – it’s something for living human beings.

Everyone worships.

The Christian and the non-Christian are made in the image and likeness of God and we’re continuously pouring out our money, energy, time, and resources for someone or something.

For some people, they worship at the golf course. For some people, they worship at the strip club. For some people, they worship at the restaurant. For some people, they worship at the casino. For some people, they worship at work. For some people, they worship at church.

People have enthusiastic, religious zeal for all kinds of things. It’s not bad to have hobbies and interests or to love good food or to work hard, but when we put a good thing in God’s place, that’s when it becomes a problem.

In this section of Romans, Paul is imploring us to take a look at the things and people we make sacrifices for – time, money, energy, resources – and what we think about first thing when we wake up or last thing before we go to bed. That’s how we’ll determine what’s most important to us.

Who or what do you make the most sacrifices for? Are you worshipping that person or thing or is God in His right place in your life?

To find the free Romans 12-16 digital study guide for individuals and small groups, hear Pastor Mark’s entire sermon series on Romans, or find a free mountain of Bible teaching visit legacy.realfaith.com or download the Real Faith app.

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]