Worship in Your Cubicle

Worship in Your Cubicle

Matthew 6:10 – Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

There are many religions people ascribe to on this earth and in every other one but Christianity, people have to do more and do better, making themselves good enough for their “savior”. With Jesus, the Bible tells us that God came down to us in the form of Jesus.

In Matthew 6, Matthew records probably Jesus’ most famous prayer that we call “The Lord’s Prayer”. In these verses, the disciples are asking how to pray, and Jesus gives them the words. In verse 10, he makes note of Heaven and earth connecting when we pray, and this is also true of when we worship.

In this series, “Worship the King!”, we’ll look at worship in four different areas – Heaven, the Church, our home, and in our lives. We’ll go from the Kingdom of God all the way down to your cubicle at work and how we worship in each of those spaces. Humanity was made to worship here on earth, connecting us to Heaven in a special way, until we ultimately make it to our Heavenly home where we’ll continue to worship Jesus forever in His presence.

How can you worship in every aspect of your life until you make it to Heaven?

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Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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