Discover what Muslims and Mormons really believe about Jesus!

As you know, Muslims and Mormons are trapped in religions that twist the truth.

But you can be better equipped to help them find freedom in Christ — with Pastor Mark’s free research brief on Jesus in Mormonism and Islam.

Dive deep with Pastor Mark and his research team to discover surprising truths like:

  • Muslims often are convinced that Christ is greater than Muhammad from just reading the Quran.
  • Muslims are taught Jesus is the Messiah, alive in heaven now, and returning to judge the earth — but He was ‘replaced’ on the cross.
  • Mormons believe Jesus is the “Son of God” — but in a totally different way.
  • Mormons think Jesus was a polygamist who married both Mary and Martha.

Learn what you need to know as a Christian leader in this in-depth and eye-opening report…