Exciting things are happening in the months ahead – thanks to you!

Thank you for your partnership to get God’s life-transforming truth out to the world!

I want to give you a special sneak peek at some of the Bible teachings and resources your support will help produce in the months ahead. With your help, we’ll roll out…

  • A brand new app that will have hundreds of sermons, blogs, daily devotions, ‘Ask Pastor Mark’ weekly videos, and much more.
  • A new two-part sermon series I preached to a stadium of men will be out in August. I honestly believe it includes the most important men’s message I’ve ever shared.
  • My first ever parenting sermon series and accompanying daily devotional titled “Parenting on Point” with help from Grace and our Fab Five kids (four of whom are teenagers). We’ll look at Jesus’ words that we should love God with all our heart (emotional life), soul (spiritual life), mind (mental life), and strength (physical life), and lovingly help our neighbor do the same – starting with the neighbor sleeping under our own roof: our children!
  • A brand new verse-by-verse sermon series and accompanying daily devotional titled “Honest to God: A Study in Habakkuk”. In this short book, a guy frustrated with the moral decline and political mayhem in his nation (sound familiar?) brings his complaints to God. And, much like a talk radio show host, God actually takes his call and answers his questions about why the bad guys are winning, and how long God’s people need to hang in there while the world circles the drain.
  • A new Christmas sermon series, daily devotional, and ebook called “The Boy Who is Lord” studying the birth of Jesus in the opening chapters of Luke.

There’s so much exciting stuff happening because of generous friends like you. And I hope and pray that these resources get you fired up and bless you in your home, family, work, and church.

Thanks for your partnership. And if you’d like to give to help bring more Bible teaching like this to the world, I’d be grateful.

I appreciate you!

Pastor Mark Driscoll