God’s Word at Work | Part 1

God’s Word at Work | Part 1

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that,”…the word of God is living and active…”

Here at Mark Driscoll Ministries we are committed to helping get the soul saving, life changing, eternity altering word of God out to the world. Sometimes, people are kind enough to email us and let us know how the Holy Spirit used Bible teaching in their life. We know that any good that happens is by God’s grace and for God’s glory, and we love hearing about both. These testimonies we receive are incredibly encouraging to us and give us opportunities to pray for people and rejoice at God’s work in their life.

So, we thought it would be fun to share some testimonies of God’s Word at work in people’s lives. After a long week, some good news goes a long way.  We hope and pray these testimonies cause you to thank God, pray for people, and enjoy God’s word for yourself as you share it with others. Lastly, THANK YOU to everyone who supports this ministry!

From Patrick,

…your ministry help[ed] disciple 38 mature Christians in Washington DC that are still there today, evangelizing and discipling men all over the Washington DC metro region, and literally hundreds of Christian men and Non-Christian men are benefiting from the ministry of these leaders trained under your teaching.  

From Matt,

I am 17 years old. I discovered your teachings in January of 2014 and I fell in love with your teaching style! I loved going through the James and Acts messages in my free time. I can’t  thank you enough for impacting my life in such a profound way, as you are my favorite preacher! …Thanks so much for replying to that email. It means the world to me that you would take time out of your day to respond to me. Also, thanks for keeping me in your prayers as I am struggling with much of the things teenagers do…You are the best christian leader I know that gives relevant advice to young single men.

From Kris,

“ am just a guy who has learned a lot about Jesus and life from your teaching…and I simply wanted to say it is awesome to hear your teaching again. God bless…

From Eli,

My brother! I just wanted to write you and encourage you…All I want you to read is KEEP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING, PASTOR MARK. I want to encourage you, I want to support you.”

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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