God’s Word at Work | Part 3

God’s Word at Work | Part 3

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that,”…the word of God is living and active…”

Here at Mark Driscoll Ministries we are committed to helping get the soul saving, life changing, eternity altering word of God out to the world. Sometimes, people are kind enough to email us and let us know how the Holy Spirit used Bible teaching in their life. We know that any good that happens is by God’s grace and for God’s glory, and we love hearing about both. These testimonies we receive are incredibly encouraging to us and give us opportunities to pray for people and rejoice at God’s work in their life.

So, we thought it would be fun to share some testimonies of God’s Word at work in people’s lives. After a long week, some good news goes a long way.  We hope and pray these testimonies cause you to thank God, pray for people, and enjoy God’s word for yourself as you share it with others. Lastly, THANK YOU to everyone who supports this ministry!

This week we are sharing some good news from women, many of whom are young.

From Jesica,

I don’t even know where to begin. Your family has had such a profound effect on my husband and myself. As “baby Christians” we were shaped, fed into, encouraged and built up through Pastor Mark’s online teaching. Because of the example shown by your marriage and your family life, and we were fortunate to experience deeper growth, correction, and love through ministries that were created because of your decision to do God’s work and serve His people. Your book, Real Marriage opened up a line of communication my husband and I didn’t know existed- it ultimately has resulted in God working deeper into our lives and our marriage and our parenting through healing and a better understanding of marriage as God has planned.Your entire family has been on our hearts and in our prayers for the last couple years. Thank you for being such a pivotal part of the growth of our faith and allowing God to use you that way. It’s a pleasure to see how you’ve all grown (together and in Christ) through what has happened. Looking forward to seeing your ministry continue!

From Becky,

I just wanted to send an email through to Pastor Mark, I have wanted to send this email through for a while. For three years now I have listened to Pastor Mark’s sermons on my way to and from work, I work in Belfast … I wanted to send Pastor Mark a message back then to say that I’ve always loved his outlook on the Bible, his humility in his teachings, and his passion for the word and for mission, and that I was so sad at the thought of never hearing his teachings again. I have loved hearing of Mark’s thoughts on everything, and I was so happy to find his website when looking for this email address, there’s more sermons on there! I’m so happy about that! I just wanted to thank Mark for his continuation in preaching, and his honesty and humility in this interview with Grace and Brian, i continue to learn a lot, and I know that my husband and I have loved listening to his teaching on marriage.

From Simone,

I just watch your recent interview and I have lots of respect for you and your wife! My and my husband have been listening to your preaches for a long time and it has changed our marriage, our family life lots! I want to thank you for that, keep running after whatever God has for you. I feel there’s lots more for you!


Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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