God’s Word at Work | Part 4

God’s Word at Work | Part 4

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that,”…the word of God is living and active…”

Here at Mark Driscoll Ministries we are committed to helping get the soul saving, life changing, eternity altering word of God out to the world. Sometimes, people are kind enough to email us and let us know how the Holy Spirit used Bible teaching in their life. We know that any good that happens is by God’s grace and for God’s glory, and we love hearing about both. These testimonies we receive are incredibly encouraging to us and give us opportunities to pray for people and rejoice at God’s work in their life.

So, we thought it would be fun to share some testimonies of God’s Word at work in people’s lives. After a long week, some good news goes a long way.  We hope and pray these testimonies cause you to thank God, pray for people, and enjoy God’s word for yourself as you share it with others. Lastly, THANK YOU to everyone who supports this ministry!

This week we are sharing some good news from mothers.

From Mary,
I am a stay at home mom of 3 children. There are many days where I am emotionally and physically exhausted, but desperately need biblical teaching. If I were to read a book, I would simply fall asleep. So instead, I fold laundry or fix dinner while listening to your sermons. Your sermons and the Biblical truths that you preach, have improved my marriage, encouraged me, and challenged me. Thank you for your faithfulness to boldly preach the gospel. I pray that you continue to do so, and if I never get to meet you in this life and thank you in person, I look forward to meeting you in eternity one day.

From Theresa:
You have blessed my family… and your teachings on a man’s role inspired my French son-in-law (who lives here with my daughter and their four) about 6 years ago. He had a turn around in growth in the Lord. He helped begin a ministry for men at our church and still ministers in a community for young marrieds at our church that is authentic, sacrificial and deep, as does my daughter.

From Debbie,

I became a podcaster in December of 2012 when I was searching for a pastor who would preach Jesus… Just give me Jesus, and that’s what your sermons, Pastor Mark, gave me and my family. I live with my husband of 35 years in a suburb of New Orleans, Louisiana. After telling my oldest son about you, he would listen to your podcasts as he drove the Causeway Bridge on his way to University Hospital as a medical student. You greatly influenced his life. He began attending church regularly, graduated medical school and married a beautiful Christian girl. They now have a son who has been dedicated to the Lord. And my youngest son, a seventeen year old high school senior, believes he’s been called to ministry and is looking for a Bible College to attend after graduation. I will forever be grateful to you and your family for the Bible teaching my family received.

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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