Leadership Lessons for the Sons of Adam

Leadership Lessons for the Sons of Adam

  • Everything I am going to teach you I did not know, was not doing
  •  God changed my life & legacy at a Bible-teaching church w/modelling

GENESIS 3: Singular Headship (Adam), Plural Leadership (Adam & Eve)


  • relationship w/God & relationship w/wife were fine until Satan showed up
  • Sin of omission

Federal Headship

·         Federal comes from the Latin word for covenant

·         A covenant has a head (Jesus/Church; Husband/Family; Adam/Humanity)

-1 Cor. 11:3 the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, & the head of Christ is God.

·         Adam means “mankind” = covenant head of humanity

·         Eve sinned, Adam held firstly (not solely) responsible

·         We are all in covenant with Adam (e.g. a President, CEO, FATHERS)

  • Rom 5:12 sin came into the world thru one man, & death through sin…so death spread to all men


  1. Imputed in Adam (global)
  2. Inherited in nature (spiritual)
  3. Imparted in conception (generational)
  4. Included in choice (personal)

How men lose their leadership

  1. Abandon it like Adam
  2. Abuse it through anger
  3. Disqualify through sin

How men regain their leadership

  1. Repent & Rebuild
  2. A pastor/counselor/godly mediator/accountability partner can be helpful
  3. Pass the tests people give you
  4. Own your responsibilities
  5. Be active, not passive in building relationships & coaching

Single men – start by 1. Leading yourself 2. Serving others 3. Honoring women & children

How to make decisions

1. Seek God’s will, don’t use God to get your will

2. Work toward oneness & agreement with your helper under God

3. Always own a decision together

4. You agree & he takes first responsibility & she takes second responsibility

5. She makes the decision & he takes first responsibility & she takes second responsibility

5. He makes the decision & he takes first responsibility & she takes second responsibility

6. You cannot agree =wait, pray, seek wise counsel & value the relationship over the decision

What happens if you don’t lead ?

  1. Someone in your family will try & step up (wife like Eve, overly responsible child, etc.)
  2. Least healthy/most stubborn person will become the leader
  3. Satan will eventually be the Head as tried to be Head of everyone/everything

Jesus = my Head because He took responsibility for me

1. Tough Lion (Satan) 2. Tender Lamb (Adam) 3. Tough Lion & Tender Lamb (JC)

Discussion & Prayer

1.      Are you more of a Lion or a Lamb?

2.      How can we pray for you?

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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