Merry Christmas and a Free Gift for You

Merry Christmas and a Free Gift for You

Driscoll Family Christmas Card 2015

Check out this week’s update from Pastor Mark, wishing you a Merry Christmas and offering a free gift of gratitude to our newsletter readers. You can download free resources HERE.

Don’t forget, we’re also in the middle of a Daily Devotional series entitled “It’s All About Jesus: The Boy Who is Lord.” To get the latest updates, along with a free eBook, sign up here. 

Remember to check the blog on a daily or weekly basis to get the latest from Mark Driscoll Ministries. Here’s a few of our recent posts:

JESUS SAID HE WAS GOD: The Christ of Christmas Part 1 of 8
A Christmas Thank You from Mark and Grace [VIDEO]
It’s About Life – Let’s Talk Forgiveness [SERMON AUDIO]

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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