Mother’s Day 2020 Sermon Notes

Mother’s Day 2020 Sermon Notes


Mother’s Day 2020:


Love: 1 John 4:7-8 we love because He first loved us

-our love for our kids comes from Him, so we need to receive it from

Him and give it to them daily

-motivated by love

Enjoy: Neh. 8:10 the joy of the Lord is your strength

-children are a blessing, but only if we don’t resist what they are

teaching us as we raise them (not resentful)

-Prov. 31:25 she laughs at the time to come

(not always stressed out)

-are we stopping to laugh and trust that God is working in/through

our kids? We aren’t parenting alone.

Affirm: Prov. 31:26 she opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of

kindness is on her tongue.

-connect before we correct, encourage constantly

Discipline: Heb. 12:6 the Lord disciplines the one He loves

-Prov. 13:24 whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves

him is diligent to discipline him

-Rev. 3:19 those who I love I reprove and discipline, so be zealous

and repent

-Our Father knows that sin leads to death, so He disciplines us to

keep us from harm; don’t always say yes (selfish, unrealistic, spoiled)

-repent to kids when we sin

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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