How to Start a Real Group!

How to Start a Real Group!

with Real Faith

Faith that does not result in good deeds is not real faith.
–James 2:20 TLB

At Real Faith, we believe that the Word of God isn’t just for us to read, it’s to be obeyed. And living in community with fellow believers is one of the ways God the Father allows us to learn and grow to become more like His Son Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. We do this through something called Real Groups. Here are a few tips to start your own.

1. Invite

Invite your friends, neighbors, family, coworkers, and enemies, because they all need Jesus whether they know Him or not! Whether it’s a group of men, women, families, students, or singles, explain that you’d like to start a weekly sermon based small group based on Pastor Mark Driscoll’s sermons.

2. Listen to the sermon on or on the Real Faith app

You can host a viewing party to watch Real Faith Live and discuss it all at once, or you can watch it separately and gather to discuss it at another time that works for the group.

3. Get into God’s Word

In addition to watching the sermon, make sure you and all group members have a study guide from for the current sermon series. There are questions for personal reflection as well as for groups that can guide your devotional times throughout the week. You can also sign up for Daily Devos at

4. Gather together

Whether at someone’s house, a public place, or through something like Zoom, meet weekly to discuss the sermon and what God taught you through it. The great thing about Real Groups is that you don’t all have to be in the same location. You can talk about sermon takeaways, what stood out to you in the study guide, or what God taught you in His Word that week. Focus on personal application as much as possible.

5. Pray

When you gather, share prayer requests, pray for each other on the spot, and continue praying throughout the week. Prayer is a great unifying force that God gives us to strengthen His family.

6. Share

Send us photos, videos, testimonies, and updates of how your group is doing to
[email protected]. You might even be featured on our Real Faith Live show!

There are plenty more resources to discover at, as well. We will be
praying for you and your group and look forward to hearing what God does through it.

Ashley Chase
[email protected]

Ashley is the Driscolls’ oldest of five children. She studied theology at Capernwray Bible School in Costa Rica, is a graduate with honors from the Master’s program at Arizona State University’s Barrett Honors College, recently married, and is a gifted Bible teacher, speaking and writing fluently in English and Spanish. She is the Executive Director at Real Faith, and was a campus leader for a prayer tent that has prayed day and night for over 10 years at Arizona State University, the largest university in America. She currently co-authoring Pray Like Jesus with her dad to encourage people to learn to pray to God as Father.