Real Men: Christ & the Coronavirus Notes

Real Men: Christ & the Coronavirus Notes

To help you study our sermon series in a men’s group setting, each week we will post notes from Real Men men’s ministry based on that week’s sermon on the blog.

Real Advice for Real Men

  • As a man we carry a burden for our wives and kids.
  • If you lead in work or church, you carry an additional burden.
  • Most difficult season of our life.
  • Complex Grief
  1. Past ended, future unknown
  2. Everything in life changed instantly – city/stage, job, schools, church
  3. $ future completely unknown
  4. Moved AZ 5 kids, no job, vrbo
  5. Tree fell on house
  • In past, I had not responded well (fight/flight) health, Jeep day
  • My family needed me to carry the load, I needed the Lord to help carry the load

The Holy Spirit vs the spirit of fear

2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV) God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

  1. Holy Spirit wants you to have 1). power to live 2). love for others 3). self-control
  2. Demonic spirit named fear wants to rob you of 1). power 2). love 3). self-control

I asked the Holy Spirit

#1. Healthy (food, drink, sleep, weight, exercise, etc.)

#2. Priorities drive decision-making (XN, Husband, Father, Pastor)

#3. Family meetings for general updates, 1-1 age appropriate info & processing/prayer

#4. Wise counsel (vs simpletons)?

#5. Who gets what burden (God. Grace. Friends. Professional. not kids).

#6. Get as much normal & fun on the calendar as possible

#7. Made plans in pencil (pivot vs process leadership)

#8. Lament reality. Run to worst case scenario.

#9. Found God’s people & did life with people who had it worse to give perspective.

#10. Set times for checking Good News and negative news.

#11. Woke up daily to try and do my best to walk in God’s will that day.

#12. Looked for the blessings along the way, including the little things.

Today – many of my greatest fears have come true. I have Jesus, Grace, kids, health, joy, peace that surpasses understanding, keen sense where Home is!

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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