How do you make a family mission statement?: Nehemiah 10
2 ways to seek cultural change
- Top-Down – elections, politicians, laws, pressure
- In-Out – new nature, heart, desires, power
-Generations of lip-service but not lifestyle = Lukewarm
The men gather to form a mission statement minority countercultural subculture
1).Men (10:1-27)
-Nehemiah, other leaders, priests/pastors, 44 prominent extended families, all
-HUGE encouragement A. Wives B. Kids
2). Mission – statement e.g. nation founding docs, sports rulebook
3). Minority – countercultural subculture
4:Meahing: School of Pub. Health – Higher Purpose = Longer Life (21% lower mortality)
#1. We will obey Scripture (Nehemiah 10:29)
“enter into a curse & an oath to walk in God’s Law that was given by Moses…& to observe & do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord & his rules and his statutes.”
- To have unity requires everyone is under the same authority
- Jesus’ Lordship extends to all of life (not sacred/secular)
Back to the Bible 400k ppl survey. 3X & less week Bible = little change. 4+ X week
407% more likely to memorize Scripture
228% more likely to share faith with others
59% less likely to view pornography
30% less likely to struggle with loneliness
#2. We will lead our families (Nehemiah 10:1-29)
“join with their brothers”
10:1-27 list of names of heads of households publicly vowing
If the husband does not lovingly lead here’s the options:
- A battle
- Strongest personality dominates
- Everyone works around the least healthy family member
- Eventually, Satan takes over the family & everyone suffers
=Good men form a fraternity to build one another up to bless women & children
#3. We will worship our God (Nehemiah 10:1-39)
- Bible teacher – Ezra – 6 hour sermon, 1 week Bible/worship conference
- Church staff – “priests & Levites”
- Worship leaders – “singers”
- Group Leaders – “gatekeepers”
-Why men not worship in church?
-? MEN – own their faith & lead their family in worship? Brad. Wilcox. SONS/DAUG
#4. We will only marry believers (Nehemiah 10:30)
“We will not give our daughters to the peoples of the land or take their daughters for our sons.”
2 MOST important decisions
- Your God
- Your Spouse
Lowest divorce rate & highest marital satisfaction = 2 active believers
Highest divorce rate & lowest marital satisfaction – 2 active diff’t religions
=Kids in a divided house – confused, spiritual warfare, divided
#5. We will conduct business ethically (Nehemiah 10:31)
if the peoples of the land bring in goods or any grain on the Sabbath day to sell, we will not buy from them on the Sabbath or on a holy day.
- Sabbath is a grace not a law (breathe out vs in)
- You can work 6 days a week w/God’s blessing, or 7 days a week w/o God’s blessing
= Witness
#6. We will give generously (10:32-38)
We obligate ourselves to bring the firstfruits…to the house of the LORD
- Most people are funding darkness, and God’s people fund the light
- Acts 20:35 “Jesus…said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
- Christianity has a pay it forward plan
= e.g. 2 days 3600 people
#7. We will make church a priority (Nehemiah 10:35)
We will not neglect the house of our God.
- True revival inside out = crime & social unrest DOWN, peace & prosperity up
- If Church is last, it will never happen (sports, tire, hobbies, distractions)
- This is a good time of year to make your personal/family mission statement.
- Write it down
- Share it for accountability
- Remnant & Revival
- Missionary (Real Faith) vs Monastery (Trinity)
- Invite people into a diff’t culture
Real Men photo
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Rebuilding Home Update
- Pray for continued health, unity, joy, and momentum in our church family.
- Give your pledge to the Rebuilding Home Campaign
- Fulfill your pledge to the Rebuilding Home Campaign by December 31st
- Continue giving to the General Fund and set up Recurring Giving for 2022