Genesis 2:24  Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

  • Moses breaks in for commentary (Jesus & Paul Matt. 19:5; Mk. 10:7-8; Eph. 5:31)
  • God made marriage 1 man 1 woman             1. Covenant              2. Consummation

(see Jimmy Evans the 4 Laws of Love)

  1. Law of Priority

“A man shall leave his father & mother”

  1. College men – half step
  2. Single men – differentiation & responsibility (vs adolescence)
  3. Married men – new family is your priority 1. wife 2. kids
  4. Fathers – coach 1. Kids      2. Mom
  5. Grandfathers – coach 1. Parents 2. Kids
  1. Law of Pursuit

Hold fast/cleave to his wife (passionate energy)

  1. College men – preparing yourself for marriage
  2. Single men – friends, intentional dating, engagement, marriage
  3. Married men – new family is your priority 1. wife 2. kids
  4. Fathers – your wife is your priority & responsibility
  5. Grandfathers – model & coach
  1. Law of Partnership

One “echade” (Deut. 6:4)

  1. College men – you are selfish
  2. Single men – you are not one with anyone but your wife
  3. Married men – ONE – new one, not which one
  4. Fathers – 1. Wife 2. Kids
  5. Grandfathers – 1. Sync meeting   2. Date Night
  1. Law of Purity

Naked w/o shame

  1. Standard beauty spouse
  2. Bible teaches chastity before marriage, fidelity in marriage. (fireplace)
  1. College men – self-control needed before & in marriage
  2. Single men – you cannot be the leader of the relationship if you are fornicating
  3. Married men – keep dating & pursuing your wife
  4. Fathers – everyone is depending on you (couch chat)
  5. Grandfathers – set the example & help the marriages


Discussion & Prayer

  1. Which of the 4 laws is your priority right now?
  2. How can we pray for you?

In this very practical talk for men based in Genesis 2:24-25, Pastor Mark expands upon Pastor Jimmy Evans' "4 Laws of Love" and how they can benefit and transform any marriage.
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