This Week: Ask Pastor Mark

This Week: Ask Pastor Mark

We continue to enjoy family and friend time this summer. And, we hope and pray that you are doing the same.


It’s amazing to consider that nothing we own will remain with us into eternity; however, the relationships we build as Christians endure forever. The kingdom of God will not include our possessions, but it will include the people we love and the joyful memories we share together. Therefore, loving and making memories with God and His people should be our highest priority. This understanding flows from the biblical revelation of the Trinity: that the one God is a community of three persons in perfect relationship. This God made us in his image to be in relationship with Him and one another.

Ask Pastor Mark

Repeatedly, as I’ve read most of the emails that people have sent in, I’ve noticed an increase in the number of theological questions. I thought it might be helpful to begin posting answers to these questions online in case they could also be helpful to other people. Let’s start with questions you (and/or people you know) have about the Trinity. Please include your first name and a brief introduction of yourself along with your question(s) so we can get to know you a bit. If this experiment goes well we will eventually move on to other categories of questions such as creation and the Bible.

Lastly, we are grateful for those of you who encourage us with prayers and emails.

Here are a few recent favorites:

From Derek
“Thanks again Mark for teaching and preaching the truth!

I love the opportunity as a business owner to help reveal the truth on the reader board God has provided us to use. I remember when you first taught James, and I pulled James 4:17 our and put it on our reader board, and with in one hour, committed that very sin.

We have so much opportunity to propose the love, grace and mercy in Christ here at the office, and one of my clients was here at my desk and if felt the prompting, but didn’t take it.(I didn’t do what I was suppose to do) I did talk with my next client who happened to be christian, and told them what just happened, which was awesome opportunity for them to pray for me to be obedient, and not fear man, but God.

Then today, I happened to be listening to you preach in James again, but this time the opportunity was for me and my daughter, which I’m sure you will have the pleasure of doing. My daughter is getting Married next week, and with it, can come some stressful situations where things aren’t going as planned. Opportunity not to preach at my daughter, but propose opportunity for us to be in prayer daily, hourly, and by the minute. To guide her to what James is telling us, that we ask that what ever we may be doing or planning to do, that it be Gods will, and if those plans change, to humbly submit to those changes. And I love the way you put it, it’s not a cliche’ “Guess that’s Gods will” or “God willing”, but to be in prayer. It’s like a snowballing effect of growing closer and closer to God.
I almost feel like I’m preaching to my preacher:) I just want to say thanks again for teaching and sharing your life with us, and most importantly, pointing us men to focus on the real man, the God man, Jesus.
Have an awesome summer with your family as I am with mine. 4 kids, 4 grand kids and hopefully leaving a legacy of family that know and love Jesus for years to come. Thanks Grace for sharing your husband with all of us. Thanks kids for sharing your imperfect dad who points us to the dad that is. Praying for you all. D.”

From Sasha
“Pastor Mark,
Just wanted to send a quick note and let you know that my heart has been praying for you a lot lately and it’s been missing that insanely beautiful gift of teaching that Holy Spirit has given you. Praying for full restoration of all the things as He sees fit.
Thank you.”

Pastor Mark continues to read your emails of encouragement and prayers that you send to [email protected].

Stay tuned for more great resources from Pastor Mark in the coming weeks. Admin

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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