
– Well, I know you’ve been getting a lot, a lot, a lot of bad news, and I wanna give you a lot of good news. Lately, it seems like all we are getting is bad news, and that is…

– Well howdy, my name is Pastor Mark Driscoll, and I have really, really, really good news for you. In a day, that’s filled with bad news, you need some good news. Some good news about what’s on the calendar…

– Howdy pastor Mark Driscoll here. What do you find boring? Think about it for a moment. One of the most boring places I’ve ever been, the Department of Motor Vehicles, you get a number and you sit there and…

– All right, the whole globe’s freaking out, everybody’s scared, they’ve learned two things, number one, they’re not in control, if you’re a Christian, you knew that in advance, that was really not a shocking surprise ending. Number two, everyone…

– All righty. Well, it’s Memorial Day weekend for those that are joining us from around the world online, it’s a holiday here in the United States of America. That started primarily right after the civil war. But it’s actually…

– Well, howdy, welcome to our final week of the Good News series where we’re looking at heaven. And the reason I started this series, it was kind of in correspondence with all the craziness in the world. And what…