
– All right, hey, we’re in a really fun series. At least I’m having fun. I don’t know about you. It’s really fun to see your faces as I talk about these things. We’re talking about marriage and romance and…

– All right. Hey, you came back from last week. Congratulations. Even though it was awkward. I’m so glad to see ya, and we’re just gearing up, heading into Valentine’s Day with the Real Romance series. And so lemme just…

– All right. We’re in a great book of the Bible, Genesis 32, How many of you, your whole family’s just been in an interesting season since we started Genesis, Amen? And if you’re new, I apologize in advance for…

– All right, in just a minute, I’m gonna preach. I’ll just tell you, this one’s gonna hurt. This one’s gonna hurt like crazy, all right? Here’s the question. The question is, when do you need to sever ties with…

– Alrighty. Good to see you all. Hey, we’re in a great book of the Bible called Genesis and one of my favorite things is helping people learn the Bible. So thanks for giving me that opportunity and honor. We’re…

– Going through a book of the Bible called Genesis. If you don’t know where it is, easy. Just open, you’re there. You’ve made it. Congratulations. And as we’re going through this great book of the Bible, I want you…