
– All right, Merry Christmas. We get to do one of my favorite things today, that’s start a new book of the Bible. If you’ve got a Bible, go to Philippians. If you don’t have a Bible, find a fake…

– All righty, Merry Christmas. Good to have you all. If you’ve got a Bible, go to the book of Philippians. We’re takin’ a little bit of time, study through this great book of the Bible and we’re doing so…

– Well, usually the pastor comes out and he asks, “How are you doing?” Let me tell you how you’re doing, you’re doing great. This is a great day for you. We’re gonna have a good time. You’re gonna laugh…

– All right. Merry Christmas, love you. Excited to be with you. Great day to be with you. Best day of the week, we are in the book of Philippians, looking at the theme of Joy. If you’ve got a…

– Well Merry Christmas everybody. Welcome to the second annual Trinity Church Christmas Eve party. We’re so glad to have you, can you guys think the kids for me, you kids did great, thank you so much. Well, if you…