
– All right, I am super excited. New decade, new year, let’s open a new book of the Bible, amen. If you’ve got a Bible, go to the book of Daniel in the Old Testament, and as you are finding…

– All right, if you’ve got your bibles, go to Daniel chapter two. We gotta move really, really fast. We got 49 verses, I got five pages of notes. I usually use two pages of notes and we’re gonna get…

– All right, if you’ve got a Bible or you got a device, find Daniel 3. We are spending 12 weeks, one chapter each week in the great story of Daniel. Let me catch you up since we’re at chapter…

– Alright, we’re in the Book of Daniel 4. If you’ve got a Bible, go there. We’re gonna cover a lot of verses today. I get paid by the verse, this is gonna take a while. And I would just…

– All right, we’re Daniel 5, find it in your Bible or on your phone. And what’s interesting is, we live in this day where the world has gotten very small and information travels very quickly. All of a sudden…

– Alight, I’m fired up. Grab your Bible. Go to Daniel chapter six. We’re halfway through the book. If you want a word from God, you need to open the word of God. That’s what we’re gonna do today. And…

– All right, if you got a Bible, go to the book of Daniel we’re in chapter seven and let me tell you this. Most of the time preachers will preach the first six chapters and then quit and in…

– All right, I have good news for you, there is a God, He’s a good, He’s a God who rules and reigns, who knows the future, has good plans for His people, and tells you the future, so that…

– All right, who’s ready for a high impact, clear, life changing sermon? Okay. That’s probably not gonna happen, just to let you know. I’m exhausted, I’m aging a dog ears. I was preaching on the Mexican border last night,…

– Well, good morning. My name is Pastor Mark Driscoll. This is my wife and best friend, Grace. And in our family, we’ve got five kids. When a hard season hits or complexity comes, we like to call a family…

– Well howdy, my name is Pastor Mark Driscoll, really excited to be with you today, if you’ve got a Bible, find the Old Testament book of Daniel, chapter 11. In a day that is filled with bad news, you…

– Well howdy, Pastor Mark Driscoll here, from the Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, and today we finish the book of Daniel. If you’ve got a Bible go to Daniel chapter 12, it is unbelievable God’s timing. When I started…