When to Walk Away? | Real Relationships

When to Walk Away? | Real Relationships

Gary Thomas’ book “When to Walk Away”

  • Some relationships are like a bucket w/no bottom
  • You are not helping them. They are hurting you.
  • Make life “hell” – gossip, slander, betrayal, attack, control = ruin life
  • Fear of man (Pr. 29:25) people pleasers can get stuck in these relationships


Evil/Toxic People

-Evil – Bible word

-Toxic – Counseling word

  1. A murderous spirit
  2. A controlling nature
  3. A heart that loves hate

= cause unusual conflict, division, anxiety, chaos, damage, exhaustion


“TOLERATE” = always negative in the Bible


Jesus Walked Away

41 times on more than two dozen separate occasions in the Gospels, Jesus walked away from evil/toxic people

  • We tend to think of all the people walked toward/with
  • Jesus also had many people he walked away from/around

Rich Young Ruler; eat flesh/drink blook; Pharisees/Sadducees; boarding boat

  1. Clarifying Conversations- Jesus and Peter
  2. Closure Conversations – Jesus and Judas

For good to start, bad must end.

Our time/energy is like $ & must be stewarded toward God’s priorities

Extended family & former friends can be the hardest.


Discussion Questions

  1. Are either of you convicted by these categories about areas you need to change?
  2. For the husband, is there anyone you need to set boundaries with, or walk away from?
  3. For the wife, is there anyone you need to set boundaries with, or walk away from?
  4. As a couple, is there anyone you need to set boundaries with, or walk away from?
Pastor Mark & Grace
[email protected]