Grace Driscoll, a REAL woman created by God for a purpose that I will be discovering until eternity.

I love Jesus and have since I was 3 years old, but the details of my life have been less than perfect.  The only consistent thing in my trials and my triumphs has been Jesus!  Along the journey, there have been many people (good and bad) that have taught me to trust Jesus more.  Even when I’ve turned my back on Him, He’s continued to draw me back to true healing and love that only He can give.

Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” [emphasis mine]

That High Priest is Jesus, and He is God!  When I focus on entrusting my life to the One who created me and can sympathize with me, life can be peaceful even in the chaos.

You will get to know me over time as I post and you read through the REAL WOMEN pages.  It takes time in REAL life to get to know someone, so it will take time to “know” me. I want to share wisdom from what God has taught me in my nearly 50 years.  I want to make you laugh.  I want to give you hope.  I want to point you to the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit…all 3 in one. My journey is REAL just like yours.  My struggles as a woman, wife, mom, friend, and leader are REAL.  My faith, not in this world but in the God who made it, is REAL. I started just like you as a child trying to figure out how to navigate this journey called life.

1 John 1:9 says, “But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” [emphasis mine]

This includes the sin we commit and the sins others have committed against us. I don’t have to live as a victim of my sin or the sins against me!

I grew up as a shy, naïve pastor’s daughter with a very simple faith in God and His word. I married my amazing husband Mark at 21, after 4 ½ years of very imperfect dating.  We’ve stayed faithful to each other for almost 3 decades, which has upset the enemy many times!  We have 5 kids who love and serve Jesus, which is an incredible gift. We have been in ministry for almost 25 years, telling people about Jesus.  All these details of my life have stories, some to tell and some to hold onto.  My goal is to keep my priorities of godly woman, godly wife, godly mom, godly friend, and godly ministry servant in proper order so God can multiply my efforts as He chooses. This is my life verse Philippians 4:4-7:

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.  Let your reasonableness be known to everyone, The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” [emphasis mine]

I wasn’t always a good example of this, and sometimes was confused how to even practice it when things were hard. I’ve learned that if I’m willing to rejoice in who God is, rather than just seeing the darkness of my circumstances, I will have the peace of God. He will walk me through the storms and give me wisdom in the process, and I pray that He will do the same for you as I share what He has taught me.

Here we go on a journey together as REAL WOMEN!


Although I didn’t choose to be born into a ministry family, I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. Growing up seeing my parents serve God every single day inspired me to find His path for my life from a very young age, and I am honored that He has guided me to do ministry alongside both of them and carry on their legacy.

I currently serve at the Trinity Church, which my family planted in Phoenix, Arizona, alongside my husband. We married in January, 2020 at a beautiful ceremony officiated by my dad at our church and have loved doing ministry together there since. I love to watercolor and garden, he loves restoring old cars, and we both love the outdoors, so when it isn’t 110 outside, we spend a lot of time hiking, biking, and exploring the southwest.

As a recent college graduate planning to teach English in South America, I did not anticipate that God would redirect my plans within just a few months to get married and help launch Real Faith, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout my life it’s that God’s plan is always best. I now see how He has used so many stages of my life, including my time in college leading Bible studies and prayer gatherings, to prepare me for each next step.

Through this ministry, He is simply honoring my desire to share the gospel in Latin America and help others find a real passion for God’s Word in a different and exciting way than I expected, using both my background in Spanish and curriculum design to further His Kingdom, since He is infinitely more creative than I am in accomplishing His Works!

At Real Women, my mom’s and my goal is to deal with the real things that all of us are wondering about life and God every day. We all have questions, and God’s Word has answers. My parents’ love for the Scriptures has certainly been passed down to me, and we look forward to diving into what they say about topics like dating, marriage, parenting, image, identity, creativity, and more as well as providing study guides for entire books of the Bible.

We hope and pray that He will reveal Himself to you through the words He gives us to share, since ultimately, it’s all about Jesus.

Grace & Ashley
[email protected]