Win Your War Small Group Discussion Questions

Win Your War Small Group Discussion Questions

Week 1 

  1. What was your #1 takeaway from the sermon?
  2. What kind of teaching have you received (or not received) on satan, angels, and demons?
  3. Why is it so important that we understand the war we were born into?
  4. Why is it also important to know that Jesus already won the war?
  5. How can you pull heaven down into your life this week?
  6. Where are you pulling hell up in your life that you need to stop?

PRAYER: Encouraged: break up into groups of men and women separately, and take some time to pray for one another.

Week 2

  1. What was your #1 takeaway from the sermon?
  2. Why is it important that Christians are aware of the enemy and his schemes?
  3. What would you tell a Christian who says they are fearful or uncomfortable with the demonic?
  4. Knowing that Jesus has already won our war and defeated the dragon, how does that change how we approach Satan and the demonic?
  5. Is there an area of your life that you now see has a spiritual warfare component to it? How does that change how you approach it?
  6. What are some ways you can incorporate offensive prayers into your life? Start today in Life Group!

PRAYER: Encouraged: break up into groups of men and women separately, and take some time to pray for one another.

Week 3

  1. What was your #1 takeaway from the sermon?
  2. Past or present, are there any counterfeit identities that battle against who God says you are?
  3. What can we learn from how Jesus won the war for his identity?
  4. Why is pride so dangerous in the war for our identity? Can you think of any examples of what this looks like?  LIVING: Walk it out
  5. Are the any lies or accusations about your identity that you need to write down, reject, and replace with who God says you are?

PRAYER: Encouraged: break up into groups of men and women separately, and take some time to pray for one another.

Week 4

  1. What was your #1 takeaway from the sermon?
  2. What is the difference between being forgiven and being made clean by Jesus? Why is it important for the Christian to walk in both?
  3. Have you ever heard of the concept of inner vows? Without naming names, can you gives some examples of inner vows you have encountered, either yours or someone else’s?
  4. What “filthy garments” (shame, guilt, condemnation, accusation, lies) do you need to take off, so that you can put on Jesus’ righteousness?
  5. What inner vow do you hold (look for fears, strong emotion, fight or flight)? Will you renounce it and replace it with Spirit?

PRAYER: Encouraged: break up into groups of men and women separately, and take some time to pray for one another.

Week 5

  1. What was your #1 takeaway from the sermon?
  2. What did you learn about what forgiveness is and/or what it is not?
  3. Why are bitterness and unforgiveness so destructive?
  4. Have you received the gift of forgiveness? How are you opening it and using it?
  5. Who do you need to forgive? Who do you need to forgive again?

PRAYER: Encouraged: break up into groups of men and women separately, and take some time to pray for one another.

Week 6

  1. What was your #1 takeaway from the sermon?
  2. What was your dad like? (Tragic, Terrible, Tough, Tender, Terrific)
  3. How do you view God? Do you see God more as a father, or as a master? Do you see yourself more as a son (daughter) or a slave?
  4. Especially for dads, how can you create a culture of love in your home rather than a culture of fear?
  5. What fears does the enemy use against you that you need to bring to God the Father?

PRAYER: Encouraged: break up into groups of men and women separately, and take some time to pray for one another.

Week 7 

  1. What was your #1 takeaway from the sermon?
  2. What are some examples that you have seen in life and culture of God creating and Satan counterfeiting?
  3. What are some ways that you can discern whether something is from God, or against God? (See 1John 4:1-6)
  4. After Satan rebelled, there was no longer any place for him in heaven. Is there any place in your life that you have made/allowed room for the Enemy? What is your next step in not accommodating him any longer?
  5. Have you experienced church hurt? What are your next steps in pursuing forgiveness and healing?

PRAYER: Encouraged: break up into groups of men and women separately, and take some time to pray for one another.

Week 8 

  1. What is your primary take-away from the entire Win Your War sermon series?
  2. When you think about Jesus, do you often think of him as Lion or as Lamb? Why do you think that is?
  3. Is it hard for you to reconcile God’s love with God’s wrath? Why?
  4. Is there an area of your life that you tend to “pull hell up” that you need to stop?
  5. What is a way that you would like to start “pulling heaven down” into your life and family?
  6. Who do you know that needs to meet Jesus and how can you pray for them?

PRAYER: Encouraged: break up into groups of men and women separately, and take some time to pray for one another.

Mark Driscoll
[email protected]

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