
Genesis #32. Final sermon this series.          4 study guides free Realfaith.comGenesis part 4 Joseph series in audio all.     365 devo commentary coming Blessing & Cursing in Genesis God speaks blessing – “God said” & “God blessed them” 400X…

Church Family: Supernatural Liberty (Romans 14:13-23) -As new XN in college – my church was new – other churches – ethnic & international XN – new Father & Family Christ – came in Jewish culture (language, diet, holidays) Christians – started…

Church Family: Supernatural Unity (Romans 14:1-12) Last year we closed for some weeks & did work on property 1 yr later –  200+%, 328 baptisms (39 last weekend @ church & 18 @ camp) Fastest growing city & county in…

God the Father and God the Son John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. This Father’s Day God wants to give you…

 Rebels with A Cause: Obey the Government? (Romans 13:1-7) Romans 12 is about worshipping God with character – love, grace, forgiveness, peace, overcoming evil with good That is emotionally & practically challenged with gov’t overreach & indoctrination God Works Through…

Rebels with A Cause: Trade Good for Evil? (Romans 12:9-21) Family Meeting – God’s House & People (Heart for House) Reopened last June. Supernatural year! Best yet to come! So many new people, setting our culture (June-July Romans) 1. Difficult…