
2 ways to seek cultural change Top-Down – elections, politicians, laws, pressure In-Out – new nature, heart, desires, power -Generations of lip-service but not lifestyle = Lukewarm The men gather to form a mission statement minority countercultural subculture 1).Men (10:1-27)…

Young men today: Physically weaker: Journal of Hand Therapy – grip strength (good test overall strength) sons less father 2007 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism – men’s avg testosterone levels dropping by 1% every year since 1980 27% of…

=Longest prayer in Bible, covers history of God’s people to the present Prayer is how we process Who you really are is revealed in prayer Dead Religion vs Dynamic Revival Dead Religion – 141 yrs somewhat spiritual but no zeal/urgency…

-FATHER: Jesus Revolutionary Word – 65X Matt-Lk; 100+X John -God – Father             XN’s – sons/children of God Father -BIBLE: “father” 1600+ 1200+ men named (many fathers) = 2800 31,102 verses = 9% What is covenant marriage and family?  Malachi 2:10,13-15…

Every ministry has to overcome anti-ministry    =          spiritual warfare Jesus said He would build the Church, & the gates hell not prevail against it Gates = defensive force Satan spiritual captives behind gates (addiction, bitterness, trauma, lies, demonic) Spiritual…

Christian marriage =1 man and 1 woman in a consummated covenant NOT gay marriage.                 NOT polygamy.                       NOT cohabitation. Success Sequence slide (Bradford Wilcox) Millennials (born 1981-1996) – largest, most diverse, most educated generation record 55% having children before marriage…

1.Politics: godless govt                       2. Economy: major downturn 3.Crime: surging                                 4.Believers: apostate = 141 years. Nehemiah led God’s people to turn it around in 52 days Case Study in God’s people working together to rebuild their home Build it…

Would never move family into a home that was not architected & inspected Most budgets & schedules not architected & inspected Vision retreat started w/vacation drive home (work in vs on life) What is a steward? God is the owner….

ME – Blue collar. Sports. Academics. Arts. Beauty. Personal creative w/studios. God is both Creator and Beautifully Creative Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” Merism – above & below “created” – artists, tradesmen, God…

Section 1 – Background/Introduction Personal – grew up in ministry, baseball, meeting Chloe, marriage, student director Trinity Students – weekly, disciple gen z, growing, 20 baptisms, winter camp sponsor Section 2 – Overview 1 Corinthians looks a lot like Gen…

James 3:10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. Covenant Heads – Adam brought the curse, Jesus blessed us by becoming cursed for us Cursing – negative binding over others…

James 2:1,5,13 “My brothers…Listen, my beloved brother… judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” “Mercy and compassion denote care, concern, and empathetic feeling for another person. In the Bible, mercy and compassion…