
A special Christmas message from our annual women’s Christmas dinner at Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where Real Women life groups and friends gather together to celebrate Jesus’ birth and God’s adoration from the year. Take a look at this...

21 Reasons to Believe in Jesus’ Resurrection  HE IS – King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Way/Truth/Life, Light of World, Resurrection & Life! Jesus Christ – 2000 yrs ago, small town, poor family, never travelled or held office. Most influential Person…

Christ Died For Our Sins (1 Corinthians 15:3) ·    Mockery – a 2nd cent painting – crucified man donkey head “Alexamenos worships his god.” ·    Indifference – Ghandhi “His death on the cross was a great example to the…

Leading up to what we celebrate as Easter was Jesus’ hardest week! Not prayed for by his sleepy friends, betrayed, arrested, denied, beaten, harassed, crucified…so we could be saved.  His humility is a perfect, sinless example to us, and He…

Each year at The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, we host a women’s Christmas dinner where we gather together to celebrate Jesus’ birth and God’s blessings from the year. We wanted to share this year’s message with you from Grace...