
Wedding Day = college, 21, 2 sermons, hot August, 7 att’s, 100’s ppl, Oregon Coast 2nd most important day & decision of life Bible – Jesus’ 1st coming & 1st miracle. Jesus’ 2nd Coming “Wedding Supper Lamb” The First Day…

Sonoma Visit -Marriage = Vineyard -Little Foxes = Issues Our “Little Foxes” Mark early; Grace late.                                   Mark big potato chips; Grace  smaller crumbs. Mark introvert; Grace extrovert.                     Mark likes football; Grace really dislikes football. Mark organized; Grace more…

Song of Songs 1:1-7 (BOOK & PODCAST) King Solomon & Abbi married yrs, looking back From friendship to romantic relationship (PHOTO) -1988 age 17               -Grace’s friend                        -corded phone talk 3 hours -March 12, 88              -56 Chevy (cover…

Possibly my least favorite chapter in the Bible to teach. ? I threw up after teaching it PRAY Evil Men Genesis 34:1-2 Now Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom she had borne to Jacob, went out to see the women…

Battle from the womb Parents played favorites Both bad guys – con man vs murderous polygamist 20 years later Jacob toughens up, hears from God, heads home = Jacob’s prayer answered Gen. 32:9-12 Faith Genesis 33:1-3 And Jacob lifted up…

Principles apply to any relationship, case study 2 bro’s 2 bro’s battle from womb all of life Esau – 1. Toxic relationship 2. Murderous spirit Jacob – 20 yrs under Laban = God said 1. Go from Laban 2. Go…

Family? – tolerate. Jacob 1). Bad guy (birthr/blessing) 2). Bad parents 3). Bad marriages 4). Bad father-in-law 14 years to get wives. 20 years now working like a slave for Father-In-Law 1 daughter; 11 sons (Benjamin #12 coming 35:16-18) 3…

WORD: Genesis 1-2: marriage 1 man & 1 woman; Covenant & Consummation WORLD:1). Sex/gender 2). Marriage 1 man/woman 3). ? Poly 4). ? Age consent (drag, sex ed) POLYGAMY: (=prophetic word) A). Polygyny – 1 man +women                                  = Bachelor…

-30’s @ Sport Clips (vs my 12 yr old son) – style, pay, gel The Well Genesis 29: 1-3 Then Jacob went on his journey and came to the land of the people of the east.  As he looked, he saw…

Lenses (events happen, our lenses frame our interpretation) 4 Lenses for Life Atheism – there is no God and all that we have is a material universe Panentheism –no personal God, impersonal force (Star Wars, NA, Avatar, Wicca, Rad Env)…

Gen 1-2 vs 3: Fall – families affected first (Adam/Eve) & (Cain/Abel) We live w/the pain but don’t understand the problem =We seek answers Internally (mind, emotions, gut, passions) Externally (philosopher, counselor, politician, parent, guru) People less & less likely…

Happy Father’s Day! – Physical & Spiritual Relay Race – Handoff 1. Right person 2. Right time 3. Right place = DON’T DROP Abraham Ran His Race   Genesis 25:1-10 Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah.  She bore him…