
Serving gifts (7) 2. Speaking gifts (8). 3. Supernatural (4) Miracles . 2 Healing 3. Prophecy 4. Tongues Also called “wonders”; “miracles”; “powers” “signs” – point to King Jesus & Kingdom of God =Supernatural; 2 realms 1 reality =Natural: Rationalism…

Serving gifts (7) 2. Speaking gifts (8). 3. Supernatural (4) Watching cooking shows w/my girls Ingredients & measurements Apostles (1 Corinthians12:28; Ephesians 4:11) The office of Apostle refers to the 12 chosen by Jesus who were eyewitness to His life…

Discovering Your Spiritual Gift: Part 1 Serving Gifts As a child – learning 3 primary colors (red, yellow, blue) can make millions of colors Spiritual Gifts like that – your basic gift(s) in degree/hue w/all of your Divine Design =…

Spiritual Gifts: Finding Your Position on Team Jesus!  We’ve all been on Teams (school, work, band, sports, military) 2 Teams early Church – Caesar is Lord vs Jesus is Lord (same today) = God works 1. for you 2. in…