
Bible – it is true, and truer than true because the HS studies you while you study it -History – God’s BIG story of which our life story is a little part of the big story -Ideologies/Agendas have their own…

God is perfect and created everyone/everything perfect Adam & Eve sinned – death to us, curse to creation For 1656 years only Enoch walked with God LONG LIFE. Everyone is only evil all the time 1. External 2. Internal (daily…

Cultural storyline: We are good getting better. God is bad & we judge Him. Biblical storyline: We are bad getting worse. God is good & He judges us. God is Good. We are Bad. Genesis 5:1-2 This is the book of…

Bible = most honest book ever written Genesis 3 – Satan – Sin – Marriage – Family Genesis a 2000 yr family case study in human sin & God’s blessing First glimpse outside the Garden Put yourself in the story….

We now know the world is Small & Broken – something has gone wrong & responds differently Naïve optimist – just wait, it’s going to turn around & be great Hopeless pessimist – angry, jaded, fe arful, anxious, unwell XN…

Most well-known Bible story after Jesus Moves from the creation of the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1) to our human family (Gen 2) Moves from creating life, to living life Were Adam and Eve 1st human beings? (study guide…

Creation Part 2 (Day 6) Good parents knowing the child is coming prepares the environment Days 1-6 prepare for Adam/Eve. Earth not our Mother, God our Father. 4 Preliminary Points There is no conflict between Christianity and experimental science =…

Creation Part 1 (Days 1-5)  Read it all 3.5 hrs. 30 min day = 1x week. 15 min. day = 2x month Sermons – TC live & Real Faith online (notes, audio, video, transcripts) 3 Study Guides (NOTES), Daily Devos,…

Worship is not an XN issue but a human issue Everyone passionately pours out their life energy for someone or something If we don’t worship God, we worship someone/something else For many people, this is their work & wealth Best…

Christmas – old English “Christ’s mass” = special church service for Christ Christmas Carols – Worship – old English word “worship” = honor someone worthy = Jesus Christ is 1. humble 2. holy 3. helpful 4. honest (said God &…

Couple visited & learned they could study Bible, pray, worship at home/in the car What is Worship? Hebrews 13:15–16: “[Adoration] Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips…

Our view of “normal” church comes from our experience Catholic (kneel & comm) Evangelical (Bible & relationships); Charismatic/Pentecostal (worship & prayer – emotional passionate); Seeker (hospitality -new & non XN) = TIME? What is Worship? Hebrews 13:15–16: “[Adoration] Through him…