Bible Study

Meaningless Life? [Part 18] Fear God: Ecclesiastes 12:9 - 14 (Click Here for Audio) As the old adage goes, you save the best for last. This is why at a concert the biggest hit is the song that closes the show and dessert is saved for...

Meaningless Life? [Part 14]  Enjoy Your Wife: Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 (Click Here for Audio)             One day we all die, or as they say, kick the proverbial bucket. Knowing we will die, there is a general consensus that life has enough misery and responsibility, therefore we...

Meaningless Life? [Part 13] Tug of War: Ecclesiastes 8:2-17 (Click Here for Audio) Did you play tug of war when you were a kid? When we played at my school they would tie a red bandana in the middle of the rope to indicate the...

Meaningless Life?:  A Soul Pit Stop: Ecclesiastes 7:15-8:1 (Click Here for Audio) I love cars. Trucks too. Ever since I was little I have really liked various vehicles. My dad and brother are very good mechanics, and are restoring a 1955 Chevy for my Pops...

Meaningless Life? [Part 11]  11 Ways of the Wise: Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 (Click Here for Audio)  I did not become a Christian until I was in college, in part because of the way that well meaning evangelicals tried to pique my curiosity in Christianity. With good intentions,...

Meaningless Life? [Part 10] Climb the Ladder: Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 (Click Here for Audio) Growing up, my family was one that played sports and watched television more than playing various games. My wife Grace, on the other hand, grew up in a family that played all...

Meaningless Life? [Part 8] Church Ain’t A Soul Car Wash: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 (Click Here for Audio) When was the last time you met with God? When is the last time you gathered with God’s people for corporate worship? What was the attitude in your heart...

Meaningless Life? [Part 7] A Crash Course in People: Ecclesiastes 4:4-16 (Click Here for Audio) The world is filled with people, and it is tough to figure out which ones you should befriend, allow access to, take advice from, and do life with. This issue becomes...

Meaningless Life? [Part 6] Drop Your Phone in the Lake: Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3 (Click Here for Audio) Life is filled with unexpected moments of deep joy. For example, a few years back someone let us borrow their lakefront home while they were out of town. Outside...