
– All right, dudes, Pastor Mark here, welcoming you to join me for Real Men Wednesday Nights live here, at Trinity Church in Scottsdale or online at We’ll try and post it elsewhere, but they’re gonna ban me because…

– [Announcer] Nehemiah chapter seven. “Now, when the wall had been built and I had set up the doors and the gatekeepers, the singers and the Levite had been appointed, I gave my brother Hanani and Hananiah the governor of…

– All right, dudes, Pastor Mark here welcoming you to join me for Real Men Wednesday nights live here at Trinity Church in Scottsdale or online at We’ll try and post it elsewhere, but they’re gonna ban me because…

– [Narrator] Nehemiah chapter six. Now, when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem the Arab, and the rest of our enemies heard that I had built the wall and that there was no breach left in it, although up to that…

– First off, I would just like to honor my father, and just thank you for planning this church, for leading our family, and for blessing every man in this room, could you welcome him and join me in honoring…

– All right, this is Pastor Mark here welcoming you to join me for Real Men Wednesday Nights live here at Trendy Church in Scottsdale or online at We’ll try and post it elsewhere, but they’re gonna ban me…

– All right, in just a minute, I’m gonna preach. I’ll just tell you, this one’s gonna hurt. This one’s gonna hurt like crazy, all right? Here’s the question. The question is, when do you need to sever ties with…

– Well, howdy, y’all. We’re in a great book of the Bible called Genesis. If you got a Bible, go to Genesis 26, and we’re looking at marriage and family. We’re looking at it generationally. And so, we started with…

– Welcome to Guys’ Night Out, amen? Good to see you guys. Thank you for joining us. If you’re new, you’re in the right place, at the right time, with the best guys. And so, we’re going through the book…

– All right, hey, we’ve not met for a few weeks, good to see you guys, I missed ya. We had a little thing in there called Easter, it was great. Be praying for 86 people who gave their lives…

– Man it’s an honor to have you. It really means the world to me, I’m here every week, for the most part because you guys matter. You matter, your life matters, your job matters, your wife matters, your kids…

– Alright, it’s Wednesday night. Who’s excited to be here at Real Men’s night out. Love you guys, good to see you. If you’re one of the new guys you’re surrounded with the best guys, and let’s just be honest….