
– We are in the book of Genesis, we’re in chapter 29. And this is gonna be super fun, at least for me. And for probably half of you, the question is what happens when adult children have a controlling…

– All righty, we’re still in the Book of Genesis. If you’ve not been here in months, you’re like, “I wonder where they are?” They’re still in Genesis. We’re in Genesis 21 and 22, if you’ve got a Bible, and…

– All right, welcome, guys. Hey, guys’ night out, right? Good to see you guys. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for the guys that are online. Next week’s gonna be our very last week for the semester, and my dad’s…

– Hello, I’m Ashley. It’s mother’s day here at Trinity. And we wanted to ask the Trinity kids here in the backyard, what they have to say about their wonderful moms. What is your favorite thing to do with your…