
We believe the Bible is the only book that God wrote The Bible is for us, but not mainly about us. “in the beginning, God” It’s all about Jesus! John 5. End of Luke We believe that if God says…

2 Truths Entropy is true (physically, morally, spirituallY0 Western culture is quickly veering away from values that are Biblical or traditional The recent midterm election has brought concern/anxiety to many Christians =Understanding A. what is happening, & B. how to…

2 ways to seek cultural change Top-Down – elections, politicians, laws, pressure In-Out – new nature, heart, desires, power -Generations of lip-service but not lifestyle = Lukewarm The men gather to form a mission statement minority countercultural subculture 1).Men (10:1-27)…

=Longest prayer in Bible, covers history of God’s people to the present Prayer is how we process Who you really are is revealed in prayer Dead Religion vs Dynamic Revival Dead Religion – 141 yrs somewhat spiritual but no zeal/urgency…

Every ministry has to overcome anti-ministry    =          spiritual warfare Jesus said He would build the Church, & the gates hell not prevail against it Gates = defensive force Satan spiritual captives behind gates (addiction, bitterness, trauma, lies, demonic) Spiritual…

1.Politics: godless govt                       2. Economy: major downturn 3.Crime: surging                                 4.Believers: apostate = 141 years. Nehemiah led God’s people to turn it around in 52 days Case Study in God’s people working together to rebuild their home Build it…

Last 10% hardest: Sports & politics = fight to finish Walls basically finished, gates & doors to hang = God’s people secure Critics – 1st to “greet” him arrived Jerusalem. Still going, never quit. God appoints the leader, Satan attacks…

Internal vs External threats to church health Greatest threat health/unity = internal, not external War in Heaven (Satan/demons). Jesus team (Judas). Nehemiah 5 It’s godly vs ungodly, not rich vs poor (Nehemiah 5) Marxism/Socialism/Communism Atheistic – no concept of original…

JESUS said “I will build my church” We join him. In the end it’s all worth it – revival (gov’t, $, culture) Have nothing.              2. Say nothing.                        3. Do nothing.CONVERSATION: ? Want to never being maligned & attacked…

Some Bible commentators skip chapter (too boring) 2 Tim 3:16–17 All Scripture is breathed out by God & profitable for teaching …reproof …correction…(&) training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 38…

Big decision?                          Season?                                  Pivot? = Early marriage – A. Grace prayed   B. I planned =Like a left & right foot in walk w/God Nehemiah case study prayer planning 141 years city in ruins (Jerusalem) & church/temple destroyed Prayer:…

Pew Research – Christianity is in decline, Nones doubled recent decades Widespread woke apostasy (gov’t replacing God as our hope for heaven on earth) National gov’t not favorable to God’s people living in obedience to Him Some states/cities increasingly hostile…