Real Men Tag

-FATHER: Jesus Revolutionary Word – 65X Matt-Lk; 100+X John -God – Father             XN’s – sons/children of God Father -BIBLE: “father” 1600+ 1200+ men named (many fathers) = 2800 31,102 verses = 9% What is covenant marriage and family?  Malachi 2:10,13-15…

Christian marriage =1 man and 1 woman in a consummated covenant NOT gay marriage.                 NOT polygamy.                       NOT cohabitation. Success Sequence slide (Bradford Wilcox) Millennials (born 1981-1996) – largest, most diverse, most educated generation record 55% having children before marriage…

Would never move family into a home that was not architected & inspected Most budgets & schedules not architected & inspected Vision retreat started w/vacation drive home (work in vs on life) What is a steward? God is the owner….

ME – Blue collar. Sports. Academics. Arts. Beauty. Personal creative w/studios. God is both Creator and Beautifully Creative Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” Merism – above & below “created” – artists, tradesmen, God…

?Your Jobs?: lawns, 7-11, longshore, hotels, newspapers, churches, ministries, writing/spkng = Your view of God determines your view of everyone/everything else Marxist Atheism – no God, utopia = we make our own heaven, hardship/struggle is because of oppression/injustice, & gov’t…

-1 Ki. 3 – God granted Solomon 1 wish = asked for wisdom -God so pleased gave it, along with long life, honor, incredible wealth THESIS: Men, especially young men, have more information/education & less wisdom = Unprepared. Uncertain. Unskilled….

-Like Father, like son  -What is true with our physical fathers is true with our spiritual father  God and Satan are Fathers with Sons 1 John 3:10 it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the…

We build men up to bless women and children. Live @ Trinity Church – one place cannot be banned. PRAY Global: What is a woman documentary Matt Walsh??? What is a man?? Personal: Pastor friend kindergarten dad rainbow spectrum…