
– We made it, we’re at the end of Genesis, at least this sermon series, so congratulations, you’ve made it And if you’re brand new, what a week to show up? You just put in one hour and you’re done,…

– All right. We have been in the book of Genesis for a number of months. And if you’re new, we like to go through books of the Bible. We just take every chapter, every verse, and we assume that…

– We’re in a great book of the Bible, Genesis, we’re almost done with this sermon series, just a few weeks left. And this week we’re in Genesis 33. And the question is, kind of an emotionally loaded one, how…

– All right, in just a minute, I’m gonna preach. I’ll just tell you, this one’s gonna hurt. This one’s gonna hurt like crazy, all right? Here’s the question. The question is, when do you need to sever ties with…

– Alrighty, what book of the Bible are we in? – Genesis. – Genesis, both of you said, with no enthusiasm, great. We’re off to a great start. All right, so here’s the question. We’re gonna be in Genesis, Chapter…

– We are in the book of Genesis, we’re in chapter 29. And this is gonna be super fun, at least for me. And for probably half of you, the question is what happens when adult children have a controlling…

– Well, howdy, y’all. We’re in a great book of the Bible called Genesis. If you got a Bible, go to Genesis 26, and we’re looking at marriage and family. We’re looking at it generationally. And so, we started with…

– All right, good to see you all. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Best day of the week, Amen. – [Congregation] Amen. – Hey, hey, hey, we’re so glad to have you. And we’re in a book of the Bible called Genesis….

– All right, welcome, guys. Hey, guys’ night out, right? Good to see you guys. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for the guys that are online. Next week’s gonna be our very last week for the semester, and my dad’s…

– All right, hey, we’ve not met for a few weeks, good to see you guys, I missed ya. We had a little thing in there called Easter, it was great. Be praying for 86 people who gave their lives…

– All right, who’s ready for a high impact, high energy sermon? – [Congregation] Woo – All right, okay, let me lower your expectations, that’s not gonna happen. Last week was Easter, which was our biggest event we’ve ever had,…

– All right, we are continuing a study in an incredible book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, first book in your Bible. We’re in Chapter 16. If you want to find your spot, that’s where we’re at. We’re…