
Real Ministry: Problems (Romans 16:17-27) Everything God builds by vision, Satan tries to break by division Heaven (Rev. 12:7-10) – war in a perfect culture Eden (Gen. 3) – war in a perfect culture Jesus Ministry 12 Disciples (Satan entered…

Real Ministry: Planning (Romans 15:22-33) – 12+ nations, 30+ states, around ½ books Bible, wrote 32 books? + study guides devos etc. – Roughly decade walked avg 20 mi day, single, poor, side jobs, riots, prison 2 Cor. 6:4-10… afflictions,…

Real Ministry: Power (Romans 15:14-21) We all want to be part of something bigger than ourselves & make a difference -XN Church = biggest, longest standing, most diverse, global movement world history HOW? (no human leader or headquarters or total…

Church Family: Supernatural Diversity (Romans 15:1-13) Travelling between states vs between countries National vs State Borders National: Romans 16:17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that…

Church Family: Supernatural Liberty (Romans 14:13-23) -As new XN in college – my church was new – other churches – ethnic & international XN – new Father & Family Christ – came in Jewish culture (language, diet, holidays) Christians – started…

Church Family: Supernatural Unity (Romans 14:1-12) Last year we closed for some weeks & did work on property 1 yr later –  200+%, 328 baptisms (39 last weekend @ church & 18 @ camp) Fastest growing city & county in…

God the Father and God the Son John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. This Father’s Day God wants to give you…

Rebels with A Cause: Stop Your Selfishness? (Romans 13:8-14) The biggest problem for us is us The greatest threat to our marriage and family is us God saved us not just from Satan, sin death, hell, & wrath but saved…

 Rebels with A Cause: Obey the Government? (Romans 13:1-7) Romans 12 is about worshipping God with character – love, grace, forgiveness, peace, overcoming evil with good That is emotionally & practically challenged with gov’t overreach & indoctrination God Works Through…

Rebels with A Cause: Trade Good for Evil? (Romans 12:9-21) Family Meeting – God’s House & People (Heart for House) Reopened last June. Supernatural year! Best yet to come! So many new people, setting our culture (June-July Romans) 1. Difficult…

Rebels with A Cause: Die to Yourself? (Romans 12:1-8) 600+ commands Jesus asked ? – most important (Mk. 12:28-31) Love God -vertical (Romans 1-11) & Love People -horizontal (Romans 12-16) You either use God/people or love God/people We will determine…

Motherhood Lessons from Mary  Deb, Linda, Grace Motherhood Really Matters Luke 1:26–33 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was…