
Vintage Faith: The Future Remnant Romans 11:25-36 Loyalty National patriotism (Israel = Paul; YOU?) Political party (Pharisees = Paul: YOU?) Religion (Judaism = Paul; YOU?) Identity politics – sex/gender, race, culture (Jewish male = Paul; YOU?) Family (Hebrews are his extended…

Vintage Faith: The Present Remnant (Romans 11:11-24) – Book in process. A. Traditional theory – how to build something. B. Critical theory – how to break something. Counterfeit-gospel overtaken all disciplines 1). Accuser (Rev. 12:10) 2. anti-Christ (oppose & replace)…

Vintage Faith: The Past Remnant (Romans 11:1-10) EL Pastors Conference – majority & remnant minority Person: Pastors I know (adultery, heresy, anti-Christ) Church: Heartbreaking examples Denomination: “Jesus never rejects anyone & neither do we.” (Covid closed) Apostasy – Pro to Anti Christ vs…

Predestination Problems: Uncaring? (Romans 10:14-21) Romans 9-11 Three  Options: 1. Satan (Rom. 8:38-39) 2. Us (Rom. 3:10-11) 3. God #5 questions/objections (Duck Duck Doom free ebook) If God does not need us to pray, give, or serve why should we?…

Predestination Problems: Unloving? (Romans 9:30-10:13) XN testimony vs biography. My testimony. Why now? OT – plan, purpose, choose                             NT – predestine, elect, choose, appointed   Who…

Life in the Spirit: New Fortitude Sermon Notes

Predestination Problems: Unfair? (Romans 9:14-29) Story #1 – kids birthday party & younger sibling – unjust/unfair/? Story #2 – test taking dishonesty in school – unjust/unfair/? = unjust/unfair something we rightly deserve is taken from us SALVATION? =Paul anticipates 5…

Predestination Problems: Unbiblical? (Romans 9:1-13) Some XN, some non XN. Why? Who chooses? Predestination             OT – plan, purpose, choose             NT – predestine, elect, choose, appointed ALL XN agree – a Christian is chosen by God & chooses God….

Life in the Spirit: New Fortitude Sermon Notes

Life in the Spirit: New Fortitude Sermon Notes

Life in the Spirit: New Father Sermon Notes

Life in the Spirit: New Father Sermon Notes