
Creation Part 1 (Days 1-5)  Read it all 3.5 hrs. 30 min day = 1x week. 15 min. day = 2x month Sermons – TC live & Real Faith online (notes, audio, video, transcripts) 3 Study Guides (NOTES), Daily Devos,…

Worship is not an XN issue but a human issue Everyone passionately pours out their life energy for someone or something If we don’t worship God, we worship someone/something else For many people, this is their work & wealth Best…

In The Beginning: A Study in Genesis Volume 4 In the Beginning: A Study in Genesis (Volume 4) will accompany the fourth and final part of Pastor Mark's sermon series in Genesis and will cover chapters 37-50. It focuses on...

Christmas – old English “Christ’s mass” = special church service for Christ Christmas Carols – Worship – old English word “worship” = honor someone worthy = Jesus Christ is 1. humble 2. holy 3. helpful 4. honest (said God &…

A special Christmas message from our annual women’s Christmas dinner at Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where Real Women life groups and friends gather together to celebrate Jesus’ birth and God’s adoration from the year. Take a look at this...

Couple visited & learned they could study Bible, pray, worship at home/in the car What is Worship? Hebrews 13:15–16: “[Adoration] Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips…

Our view of “normal” church comes from our experience Catholic (kneel & comm) Evangelical (Bible & relationships); Charismatic/Pentecostal (worship & prayer – emotional passionate); Seeker (hospitality -new & non XN) = TIME? What is Worship? Hebrews 13:15–16: “[Adoration] Through him…

Religions WE go up. Bible God sends down – ladder, angels, fire, Jesus, HS, wisdom, gifts Jesus’ prayer – Heaven & earth connected”             The Thy Kingdom comes thy will be done on earth as…

James closes with ministry Put your faith to work Who is Suffering? James 5:13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Prayer is talking to the Father, and listening to the Father OT – lots of fathers & genealogies, 15X…

“Doctrina: ¡Todo se trata de Jesús!” Esta edición limitada de 10mo aniversario esta basada en la primera versión, publicada originalmente en 2010. El libro “Doctrina” busca delinear los grandes temas teológicos de las Escrituras a lo largo de la historia…

XN & Non – Same hardship, diff’s perspective, diff’s reaction Bedside story of the elderly woman -XN, fiancé ran off friend, never married, health problems in & out wheelchair, worked @ church, demon stole bldg., @ church every Sun, phone…

My failure on our first Christmas after college #1. Perspective Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven… -Same God created the physical & spiritual world -Wisdom works within the seasons -What…