
 Rebels with A Cause: Obey the Government? (Romans 13:1-7) Romans 12 is about worshipping God with character – love, grace, forgiveness, peace, overcoming evil with good That is emotionally & practically challenged with gov’t overreach & indoctrination God Works Through…

Romans 12:14-19Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them…. Live in harmony with one another… Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as…

To purchase R.T. Kendall’s book Total Forgiveness, click here or click the link below. Purchase Total Forgiveness on Amazon

Rebels with A Cause: Trade Good for Evil? (Romans 12:9-21) Family Meeting – God’s House & People (Heart for House) Reopened last June. Supernatural year! Best yet to come! So many new people, setting our culture (June-July Romans) 1. Difficult…

Why Men Can’t Let “It” Go What is your “it”? The person/thing that you cannot let go of, move on from, forgive, or just leave unresolved? Big thing? Big person? Deeply personal & painful (e.g. parental betrayal, family disown, divorce,…

Rebels with A Cause: Die to Yourself? (Romans 12:1-8) 600+ commands Jesus asked ? – most important (Mk. 12:28-31) Love God -vertical (Romans 1-11) & Love People -horizontal (Romans 12-16) You either use God/people or love God/people We will determine…

Motherhood Lessons from Mary  Deb, Linda, Grace Motherhood Really Matters Luke 1:26–33 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was…

LINK TO PDF Para una clase completa sobre este tema, visite: Y la Palabra se hizo carne, y habitó entre nosotros, y vimos su gloria, la gloria que corresponde al unigénito del Padre, lleno de gracia y de verdad….

Worship for Men   5 Worship Myths Worship is for Christians. Worship starts and stops. Worship happens in church. Worship is only a genre of music. Worship is for women and children, but not real men.   What is Non-Christian…

Vintage Faith: The Future Remnant Romans 11:25-36 Loyalty National patriotism (Israel = Paul; YOU?) Political party (Pharisees = Paul: YOU?) Religion (Judaism = Paul; YOU?) Identity politics – sex/gender, race, culture (Jewish male = Paul; YOU?) Family (Hebrews are his extended…

Mi serie de sermones en 1 Pedro, Vida extraña. Dios bueno. ¡Ahora está disponible en Español! Acompáñame mientras vemos, versículo por versículo, en muy relevante y útil libro del Nuevo Testamento. También tenemos una guía de estudio traducidos para acompañar...

Vintage Faith: The Present Remnant (Romans 11:11-24) – Book in process. A. Traditional theory – how to build something. B. Critical theory – how to break something. Counterfeit-gospel overtaken all disciplines 1). Accuser (Rev. 12:10) 2. anti-Christ (oppose & replace)…