
8 Life Lessons for Men From Abraham Abraham Father multitude, “friend of God” (pop name – Lincoln) –almost 300X Bible 9X in Romans, last time in 11:1 Romans 11:1  I ask, then, has God rejected his people? By no means!…

Vintage Faith: The Past Remnant (Romans 11:1-10) EL Pastors Conference – majority & remnant minority Person: Pastors I know (adultery, heresy, anti-Christ) Church: Heartbreaking examples Denomination: “Jesus never rejects anyone & neither do we.” (Covid closed) Apostasy – Pro to Anti Christ vs…

7 Leadership Lessons for Men Romans 10:20-21 Then Isaiah [65:1-2] is so bold as to say, “I have been found by those who did not seek me; I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me.” But…

Predestination Problems: Uncaring? (Romans 10:14-21) Romans 9-11 Three  Options: 1. Satan (Rom. 8:38-39) 2. Us (Rom. 3:10-11) 3. God #5 questions/objections (Duck Duck Doom free ebook) If God does not need us to pray, give, or serve why should we?…

LINK TO PDF Para una clase completa sobre este tema, visite: Que venga tu reino, que se haga tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo. MATEO 6:10 Nuestro mundo es constantemente frustrante, decepcionante y agotador. No importa…

21 Reasons to Believe in Jesus’ Resurrection  HE IS – King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Way/Truth/Life, Light of World, Resurrection & Life! Jesus Christ – 2000 yrs ago, small town, poor family, never travelled or held office. Most influential Person…

Christ Died For Our Sins (1 Corinthians 15:3) ·    Mockery – a 2nd cent painting – crucified man donkey head “Alexamenos worships his god.” ·    Indifference – Ghandhi “His death on the cross was a great example to the…

Leading up to what we celebrate as Easter was Jesus’ hardest week! Not prayed for by his sleepy friends, betrayed, arrested, denied, beaten, harassed, crucified…so we could be saved.  His humility is a perfect, sinless example to us, and He…

2021 has already been off to an INCREDIBLE start and Jesus is doing SO MUCH because of generosity to Real Faith and The Trinity Church. This week on Real Faith Live, we shared a quarterly update from the first quarter...

Predestination Problems: Unloving? (Romans 9:30-10:13) XN testimony vs biography. My testimony. Why now? OT – plan, purpose, choose                             NT – predestine, elect, choose, appointed   Who…

Life in the Spirit: New Fortitude Sermon Notes

Mientras predica sobre el libro de Romanos, el pastor Mark escribió recientemente un comentario en un libro electrónico sobre Romanos 9-10 respondiendo preguntas sobre la predestinación, la elección y el calvinismo contra el arminianismo llamado “Pato, pato, juicio”. Obtenga su...